No Kill Nation's fancy rhetoric might help pick money from duped animal lovers’ pockets but it does nothing with building a foundation needed for adoptions to take place. You can’t adopt your way out of killing in shelters who have taken the "no kill resolution" oath but still kill dogs the first day they are due out for adoption.

No Kill’s twisted partnership with MDAS that they call a "no kill resolution" failed Chiqui and she paid with her life.
CHIQUI (A1499898) 8yr old stray Beagle
I am a female tricolor Beagle.
The shelter staff think I am about 8 years old.
I was found as a stray and I may be available for adoption on 01/17/2013.
When are the rescue community going to realize that all the fancy slogans and slick brochures in the world don’t replace networking and working in partnership with the shelter staff to save lives – even the old ones.
Had Chiqui been fortunate to find herself in our "reformed" kill shelter here in Gwinnett Ga she may not have been assured a "no kill resolution" but she would have been given weeks not hours to find that outcome. She would have been met by an army of volunteers who would have worked diligently until they found a warm home for her to go to.
Rescue is not about "not killing" shelter dogs and cats. Rescue is about finding them a safe haven with which to go. It is simply unfathomable that the rescue community in south Florida was only given less than twenty-four hours to save Chiqui. The leadership in south Florida is failing all the dogs and cats that are being killed with it’s No Kill Nation obsession with power, greed and self infatuation. I truly hope that Chiqui didn’t die because her chip in wasn’t large enough to attract some irresponsible rescuer’s attention because that is not rescue either.
True rescuers don’t need financial incentive to save lives. True rescuers find their moral compass deep inside their hearts. They survive on the warm feeling of accomp0lishment that comes with watching beautiful dogs like Chiqui walk out of the shelter alive rather than leaving in a body bag.
So, lets just put aside all the "touching" rhetoric coming out of No Kill Nation’s spin machine. Miami Dade adopted No Kill Nation’s "No Kill Resolution" on July 23rd 2012. Among other things the resolution "designates county animal shelters as no-kill with all stray and unwanted animals being "protected" from euthanasia. Six months later MDAS is still killing strays on the same day they are due out? How is that protecting them from being killed?
If we listen to the No Kill Nation rhetoric there are 23,000,000 homes for dogs like Chiqui – just weren’t any that were able to show up the one day she had to be adopted? No Kill Nation brags about it’s "off site" adoption events, it even runs cute pictures of seniors on its Facebook page trying to pry donations from duped followers. All this talk about "forging ahead saving lives" is nothing but talk.
In reality, its been two years now since No Kill Nation ran off Dr Pizano promising more change while paving the way for its no kill resolution yet MDAS is STILL killing dogs with only twenty four hours to find an adoptive home.
What has No Kill Nation done over the last eighteen months building a partnership in south Florida that saves lives? For one, No Kill Nation has invested tens of thousands of dollars filing civil lawsuits in Broward County court to feed NKN’s president Debi Day’s obsession with punishing anyone who dares call her out for her lack of leadership skills.
That court case alone has lead to a divisive rescue community that has stood around and watched No Kill Nation use their attorney’s to destroy Miami Dade Rescue Railroad. MDRR "was" a volunteer group started in 2003 to help save dogs from MDAS by volunteering to transport them to rescue partners throughout Florida.
During its years of partnering with the shelter and rescue community MDRR saved over 6,500 dogs just like Chiqui not with fancy no kill rhetoric and promises but instead by simply finding volunteers to show up at the shelter to help out. MDRR volunteers posted the animals needing rescue and found rescue groups who had foster homes to take them. It wasn’t pretty nor financially rewarding. Like many rescue advocacy groups MDRR’s mission was quite simple – to save lives. All of that commitment saving lives is gone now as MDRR was forced to dissolve rather than raise the tens of thousands of dollars to pay legal fees defending a frivolous lawsuit seeking to protect No Kill Nation’s honor and not save lives.
One would think that destroying one volunteer group would be enough for NKN’s self appointed President Debi Day but no, she wasn’t finished with one. No Kill Nation also filed a civil lawsuit against highly respected No Paw Left Behind in Fort Lauderdale as well. That case is still pending. Should NKN succeed in winning that lawsuit how does that "victory" save lives and more south Florida forward in implementing its no kill resolutions?
At what point is the rescue community going to step up and tell No Kill Nation "enough with the political grandstanding" we need a unified rescue advocacy effort that isn’t focused in redeeming a certain no kill thugs egotistical vision of herself.
Fact is Debi Day has never reformed anything but perhaps her liquor cabinet. She is NOT a rescuer, she does not foster, she does not share urgents through social networking and she does not volunteer. In her mind she is much too good for all of that grunt work. After all, she is President of a No Kill Nation. Grunt work is for all of YOU who are expected to save everything including those dogs being bred by Debi’s and Karolyn Rico’s irresponsible breeders who NKN counts on for support.
What No Kill Nation deems "poorly performing" shelters are typically "poorly funded" public shelters. There is nothing wrong with having a 10-step program for increasing adoptions provided budgeting is available for implementing those programs. Too many other variables make adoption programs difficult in poorly funded shelters including poor shelter location, lack of staffing and overall condition of the shelter itself all effect the public’s perception on adopting from the public shelter.
Community’s looking to change those parameters face years of planning, budget reviews and voter approval before even thinking about shelters adoption rates. In community struggling with budgetary issues a much more prudent approach towards killing less is by investing in programs that reduce shelter intake through targeted spay neuter programs, breeder licensing and educational programs. You need leadership to succeed with that struggle, leadership that is so obviously lacking with the no kill nuts.
Building a no kill community that kills shelter dogs same day is not a no kill resolution that works. No matter how NKN spins it, you can’t adopt out dogs who are dead.
Rest in Peace dear Chiqui – you deserved better.
I am a female tricolor Beagle.
The shelter staff think I am about 8 years old.
I was found as a stray and I may be available for adoption on 01/17/2013.
Had Chiqui been fortunate to find herself in our "reformed" kill shelter here in Gwinnett Ga she may not have been assured a "no kill resolution" but she would have been given weeks not hours to find that outcome. She would have been met by an army of volunteers who would have worked diligently until they found a warm home for her to go to.
Rescue is not about "not killing" shelter dogs and cats. Rescue is about finding them a safe haven with which to go. It is simply unfathomable that the rescue community in south Florida was only given less than twenty-four hours to save Chiqui. The leadership in south Florida is failing all the dogs and cats that are being killed with it’s No Kill Nation obsession with power, greed and self infatuation. I truly hope that Chiqui didn’t die because her chip in wasn’t large enough to attract some irresponsible rescuer’s attention because that is not rescue either.
True rescuers don’t need financial incentive to save lives. True rescuers find their moral compass deep inside their hearts. They survive on the warm feeling of accomp0lishment that comes with watching beautiful dogs like Chiqui walk out of the shelter alive rather than leaving in a body bag.
So, lets just put aside all the "touching" rhetoric coming out of No Kill Nation’s spin machine. Miami Dade adopted No Kill Nation’s "No Kill Resolution" on July 23rd 2012. Among other things the resolution "designates county animal shelters as no-kill with all stray and unwanted animals being "protected" from euthanasia. Six months later MDAS is still killing strays on the same day they are due out? How is that protecting them from being killed?
If we listen to the No Kill Nation rhetoric there are 23,000,000 homes for dogs like Chiqui – just weren’t any that were able to show up the one day she had to be adopted? No Kill Nation brags about it’s "off site" adoption events, it even runs cute pictures of seniors on its Facebook page trying to pry donations from duped followers. All this talk about "forging ahead saving lives" is nothing but talk.
In reality, its been two years now since No Kill Nation ran off Dr Pizano promising more change while paving the way for its no kill resolution yet MDAS is STILL killing dogs with only twenty four hours to find an adoptive home.
What has No Kill Nation done over the last eighteen months building a partnership in south Florida that saves lives? For one, No Kill Nation has invested tens of thousands of dollars filing civil lawsuits in Broward County court to feed NKN’s president Debi Day’s obsession with punishing anyone who dares call her out for her lack of leadership skills.
That court case alone has lead to a divisive rescue community that has stood around and watched No Kill Nation use their attorney’s to destroy Miami Dade Rescue Railroad. MDRR "was" a volunteer group started in 2003 to help save dogs from MDAS by volunteering to transport them to rescue partners throughout Florida.
During its years of partnering with the shelter and rescue community MDRR saved over 6,500 dogs just like Chiqui not with fancy no kill rhetoric and promises but instead by simply finding volunteers to show up at the shelter to help out. MDRR volunteers posted the animals needing rescue and found rescue groups who had foster homes to take them. It wasn’t pretty nor financially rewarding. Like many rescue advocacy groups MDRR’s mission was quite simple – to save lives. All of that commitment saving lives is gone now as MDRR was forced to dissolve rather than raise the tens of thousands of dollars to pay legal fees defending a frivolous lawsuit seeking to protect No Kill Nation’s honor and not save lives.
One would think that destroying one volunteer group would be enough for NKN’s self appointed President Debi Day but no, she wasn’t finished with one. No Kill Nation also filed a civil lawsuit against highly respected No Paw Left Behind in Fort Lauderdale as well. That case is still pending. Should NKN succeed in winning that lawsuit how does that "victory" save lives and more south Florida forward in implementing its no kill resolutions?
At what point is the rescue community going to step up and tell No Kill Nation "enough with the political grandstanding" we need a unified rescue advocacy effort that isn’t focused in redeeming a certain no kill thugs egotistical vision of herself.
Fact is Debi Day has never reformed anything but perhaps her liquor cabinet. She is NOT a rescuer, she does not foster, she does not share urgents through social networking and she does not volunteer. In her mind she is much too good for all of that grunt work. After all, she is President of a No Kill Nation. Grunt work is for all of YOU who are expected to save everything including those dogs being bred by Debi’s and Karolyn Rico’s irresponsible breeders who NKN counts on for support.
What No Kill Nation deems "poorly performing" shelters are typically "poorly funded" public shelters. There is nothing wrong with having a 10-step program for increasing adoptions provided budgeting is available for implementing those programs. Too many other variables make adoption programs difficult in poorly funded shelters including poor shelter location, lack of staffing and overall condition of the shelter itself all effect the public’s perception on adopting from the public shelter.
Community’s looking to change those parameters face years of planning, budget reviews and voter approval before even thinking about shelters adoption rates. In community struggling with budgetary issues a much more prudent approach towards killing less is by investing in programs that reduce shelter intake through targeted spay neuter programs, breeder licensing and educational programs. You need leadership to succeed with that struggle, leadership that is so obviously lacking with the no kill nuts.
Building a no kill community that kills shelter dogs same day is not a no kill resolution that works. No matter how NKN spins it, you can’t adopt out dogs who are dead.
Rest in Peace dear Chiqui – you deserved better.
Since this was written No Kill Nation's tax returns for 2012 show an astounding $250,00 war chest being held as "retained earnings" from $580,000 in donations. Show breeder Karolyn Rico was paid a WHOPPING 41,000 salary even though her hihest previous job was that of a part time groomer at Petsmart.