Your No Kill Leadership Brain Trust? |
This court battle is funded by a $250,000 loan from Lincoln Day in November 2011 that was used to provide a $20,000 retainer moving this lawsuit forward. Thus far, based on motions filed by No Kill Nation and estimates procured to defend these motions the estimate on legal fees paid out to Debi Day’s attorney Tripp Scott start at $50,000 and could quite possibly be two or three times that amount.
Attorney’s specializing in defamation cases typically start with five figure retainer fees offset through billings at rates of $500 to $750 an hour. Since defamation cases are typically filed for "emotional" reasons these cases are also difficult to apply any type of cost controls as well. Once you’ve invested in a five-figure retainer it becomes like a drug writing out check after check in order that more motions can be filed.
I chose NOT to hire an attorney to defend either myself or the Miami Dade Rescue Railroad for in doing so I would have had to seek donations to fund a childish legal battle when that money would have done much more good saving lives in MDAS. Of course, running a senior no kill sanctuary as I have for the past eleven years doesn’t give me the same luxury that Debi Day has using the limited funds needed to provide our seniors with vet care.
Obviously, Debi Day disagrees. In her feeble mind her reputation is much more valuable then the lives of shelter animals she is perfectly willing to look the other way on while her home shelter kills them.
Here is a list of blogs that the No Kill Movement is so concerned you NOT be able to read. Many of the blogs are articles in opposition to puppy mills, rescue hoarding and of course the reality of pet overpopulation.
If YOU donate to No Kill Nation’s "nokillfund" you are supporting those who exploit the suffering of puppy mill victims to fuel profitable puppy mill sales.
From Google’s "Blogger Team"
We'd like to inform you that we've received a court order regarding your blog In accordance with the terms of the court order, we have removed content previously located at:
A copy of the court order we received is attached.
Thank you for your understanding.
The Blogger Team
Per the injunction signed by this court only ordered to remove statements from the "88" blogs that refer to the plaintiffs as "being frauds or scam artists, or that refer, directly or indirectly, to plaintiffs stealing donations or perpetrating charity fraud."
No Kill Nation’s Kathy Santomero appears to be offended not only by "slanderous lies" concerning No Kill Nation’s fundraising practices but by issues like puppy mills, pet overpopulation, Rick Berman and a breeders role as well.
The real unanswered question is what are Kathy Santomero’s quailifications to even sit in a leadership position on an advocacy group like No Kill Nation? Does she bring experience in reforming shelters to the leadership team? Has she ever reformed a public kill shelter before? The answer of course is no, while Santomero has solid experience in fundraising she lacks even the basic background in reform advocacy that would make her effective.
It was also Santomero who assured donors in the Everglades Project that the money donated for that mission would "have every penny" accounted for. She lied about those promises so why should anyone trust her judgment on other shelter reform issues?
One message that resonates from the self appointed "no kill" leadership team is that dissenting opinions are not tolerated by a movement fixated on breeder enabling language including nuances like "pet overpopulation being a myth" and that shelters, not irresponsible breeders or irresponsible pet owners are responsible for shelter killing.
Drats will leave it to no kill nuts like Nathan Winograd and Debi Day to explain why adult advocates are not permitted to read these articles because the articles offer an alternative scenario on puppy mills and pet overpopulation that is disputed by no kill zealots like Nathan Winograd.
Drats, embarked down a path of raising awareness of a no kill movement filled with half-truths and spin. Drats recognizes the significance in being singled out as a threat in exposing the truth behind Winograd’s "breeder enabling" no kill agenda that has quite clearly been a major disappointment to those of us involved in shelter reform for the last decade.
I would encourage all of our adult readers to read through the list of blogs that No Kill Nation has invested probably $100,000 in trying to censor. Do you feel offended that Debi Day would decide what reading material you are mature enough to handle and what material you must be protected from? Are you offended that she wants YOU to donate money funding that censorship?
Many of these blogs discuss the killing of shelter animals and the suffering of animals in puppy mills. How does a group like No Kill Nation claim to be an no kill animal advocacy group yet justify investing in lawsuits that censor these discussions? It is simply irresponsible and disingenuous to use donations to fund a lawsuit while looking the other way while an estimated 30,000 dogs and cats are being killed in shelter located in the communities of No Kill Nation’s Board Members DEBI DAY, KAROLYN RICO and KATHY SANTOMERO.
If you’re a LEADER in the no kill community shouldn’t you serve as an example of reforming YOUR OWN kill shelters first? If YOU can’t fix the killing in YOUR shelter why would WE want your advice on fixing our own shelters? Obviously, No Kill Nation’s Board of Directors is much too focused on attacking those who dare oppose their twisted mentality on advocacy than actually saving lives in their own shelters.
How much good might have happened saving some of these precious lives had only these three No Kill Nation BOARD MEMBERS devoted the same time and money volunteering to post, pull, transport, sponsor or share on social media sites like Facebook the lives of dogs and cats they were ignoring?
It is EASY to TALK a big tale about being an advocacy leader but when your advocacy resume is EMPTY on accomplishments what you really have is nothing but talk.
The No Kill zealots will continue to fall short on the "trust issue" as long as the attacks continue. Can YOU really trust anyone whose work focuses on censoring opposition rather than allowing a responsible exchange of ideas. What started off as a vision seeking a no kill nation has morphed into groups of inexperienced leaders competing in a power grab for donations that leave the needs of shelter and puppy mill victims by the wayside.
No Kill Nation leadership team has made it abundantly clear if YOU dare oppose or question No Kill Nation’s lack of leadership experience you too will become the next target for attack.
From the list of now banned and censored blog postings now known as "Plaintiff’s Composition Exhibit A" of defamatory blogs.
Trip Down Yellow Brick Road dated May 24, 2011– A personal story about traveling with my hounds in the early years and stories on our special needs rescues. Drats will include this on a list of blogs that will be reposted. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included. This blog was "illegally" included a defamatory and thus serves as an example of No Kill Nation violating my right to free speech.
Texas Action Alert SB 1451 Passes Senate" dated May24, 2011 is an article about Texas passing puppy mill reform SB 1451. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included. Since No Kill Nation included this article along with a number of other blogs that addressed puppy mill reform we can assume that No Kill Nation supports a breeders rights to run a puppy mill.
No Kill – A Movement or a Cult dated May 23rd 2011. Op-ed piece discussing cults. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Temperament Testing – deciding which shelter dogs die dated May 2011. An article on temperament testing shelter dogs. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Miami Dade "Rescue Group Closing" dated May 20, 2011. Press Release info from MDAS. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Why Does Bett Sundermyer Oppose Puppy Mill Reform? dated may 19, 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
RPOA Press Release on Texas SB 1451 Puppy Mill Bill dated May 17, 2011. More on puppy mill issue. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Near The End dated may 16, 2011. Lyrics from the song "Near the End". There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Houston "we have a problem – the puppy mill nuts have taken over" dated may 1, 2011. Article on puppy mills. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Hey you, is there anybody out there? Dated May 16, 2011. Article on Nathan Winograd written as an op-ed. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Have we reached a point where the art of shared compromise is lost? dated may 13 2011. Writer’s personal observations. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
The Death of Hope’s Law dated May 2011. Observations on the failing of Nathan Winograd’s CAPA type "Hopes Law" in Texas. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Voices from the night dated July 9 2011. Blog on opposition to planned protest at Miami Dade Animal Services. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
No Kill Nation Issues False Press report on MDAS Parvo Outbreak dated July 7 2011. Discusses parvo outbreak at MDAS. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Nathan Winograd’s "Blows Against the Empire" dated July 3 2011. Article on Nathan Winograd. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
The Grim Realty of No Kill Miami
dated August 22 2011. Observations on perils facing a no kill Miami Dade. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Miami Dade – Is No Kill Possible? Dated August 21 2011. Observations on Miami Dade’s no kill resolution. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Winograd’s Parting Shot at Maddie’s Fund dated August 2011. Article on Nathan Winograd. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
A Tale of Four Cities but reality for one dated August 11 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
No Kill Nation – MDAS Out of the Darkness dated August 9 2011. Observations on MDAS shelter management transition. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Tompkins SPCA – the little shelter that couldn’t dated August 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Mike Fry – The Myth of the Myth of Pet Overpopulation dated August 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
No Kill Nation to negotiate a new tomorrow for MDAS dated August 6 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
What’s up at Memphis Animal Services? dated August 7 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
No Kill Nation’s Relentless Attack on MDAS – who really suffers? dated August 3 2011. Article addressing MDAS shelter and management policy. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
No Kill Sanctuary or Puppy Mill dated September 24 2011. Article on no kill sanctuary raided for hoarding. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Why Tompkins SPCA is not an Open Admission No Kill Shelter dated September 11 2011. Article on no kill sheltering and open admission policies. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Winograd – ASPCA’s Mission Orange does more harm than good?
dated October 31 2011. Commentary on Nathan Winograd article. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
I can see very well dated October 25 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Animal Ark’s private war with AHS dated September 11 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
The Homestead Dogs dated October 24 2011. Blog on stray dog issues in the Everglades. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Is pet overpopulation a "myth" dated October 12 2011. Article on pet overpopulation. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Greatest Love of All dated October 11 2011. Article on my dogs. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
No Biscuit for Shirley dated October 6 2011. Article on no kill blogger Yesbiscuit. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Sometimes you can’t please anyone dated November 25 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Does a leadership void threaten the no kill movement? dated November 25 2011. Op ed article on no kill movement’s lack of leadership. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Digging through the no kill spin dated November 24 2011. Removed blog from public domain.
Can you hear me now? dated November 23 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Florida Rescue Act – what it doesn’t do – protect shelter pets dated November 22 2011. Article opposing FARA. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Donate to No Kill Nation? It all makes perfect sense dated November 2011. Removed from public domain.
Solving Our Pit Bull Problem dated November 14 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Do Draconian Dog Barking Laws add to shelter killing dated November 12 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Finding target audience in this nosy advocacy world dated November 9 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Good morning No Kill Nation dated November 7 2011. Removed from public domain.
Very Truly Up Yours dated November 1 2011. Removed from public domain.
No Kill Nation’s failed message of hate kills dated December 24 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Howliday Cheer to a no kill – "no suffering" nation dated December 23 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
No Kill Nation – "enough homes for all unwanted animals? dated December 22 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Nathan Winograd and his support team dated December 21 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Valerie "Gossip Girl" Hayes Rattles Her Craddle dated December 20 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Why the LIES from Chris Benson and Valerie Hayes? dated December 19 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Who is responsible for shelter killing? dated December 18 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
NKN Lawsuit – A Battle of Words dated December 2011. There are no references to NKN being frauds or involved in charity fraud included.
Do you feel any closer to a "no kill nation" now that these blogs have been removed? Who wages this kind of divisive expensive battle when an easier path of defending your vision should come into play? How can you lead a movement that you can’t articulate?
After all, if we remove that annoying "animal advocacy" thing doesn’t this simply become all about "Us and Them"?